Monday, August 12, 2013

First Impressions Revisited

We can never get too far from knowing and understanding the value of first impressions. 

Everyone is affected by first impressions.  I believe in “the
first 30-second to two minute rule.”

Simply put, this is how long it takes for a new acquaintance to determine the key essentials about each of us. 

~Do they like us?
~Will they trust us?
~Will they listen to us?
~Will they believe us?

And if we sell … will they buy from us?

Here are 10 tips to help all of us create a good first impression which will lead to rapport, which will lead to a long-established social relationship.
1. Dress well enough to impress the other person.
2. Smile when you first see the person.
3. Establish and maintain eye contact that is appropriate for the situation and the cultures included.
4. Be the first to say ‘hello’ and extend your hand.
5. If the meeting is in your office or home, greet the person at your door.
6. Deliver a sincere greeting.
7. Use the person's name appropriately.
8. Adjust your speaking volume to the locale.
9. Do any necessary homework about the person you are meeting.
10. Listen more than you talk.

First impressions matter most!

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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